Do I Wash My Tattoo While It's Peeling?

It can be alarming to see your new tattoo peeling, but don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal, and you should care for it as usual!

Peeling tends to start on day 3 or 4. It’s the top layer of the skin which peels, not the deep layers where the ink has been deposited, so any ink that comes off with peeling skin is not going to affect the brightness and intensity of your tattoo.

It is still important to wash the tattoo, even while it’s peeling, and even if you notice some ink coming away as you do it.

How to wash your new tattoo:

  • Use clean cupped hands to light pour lukewarm (not hot) water on the area
  • Pour a small amount of unscented, gentle foaming cleanser (ordinary soaps can be too alkaline, so avoid if possible) in your hands and rub them together
  • Gently clean the area with your soapy hands - not a face cloth or sponge!
  • Rinse by pouring more lukewarm water over your skin
  • Pat dry with a soft, clean kitchen roll or paper towel (not a rough cotton towel)
  • Apply a very fine layer of unscented balm to the tattoo
  • After five days you can swap the balm for a lighter unscented moisturiser

Recommended tattoo aftercare products:

Balmonds Skin Salvation
with hemp and beeswax

Balmonds Natural Shampoo & Body Wash
with calendula & chamomile

Balmonds Daily Moisturising Cream
with shea butter and calendula

tattoo Tattoo Aftercare

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